Assalamualaikum w.b.t...
well today i ada class from 9 a.m till 1 p.m.
4 hours, so dua class lah.
oke my point is i nak cita pasal "experience" i hari ni. hehe.. the first class, yg 9 am tu, i think i speak on behalf of the whole class when i say it sucks! bukan lecturer ajar tak faham or anything. i admit it, his teaching technique is really great. Tapi ramai yang tak tahan dgn kelaseran mulut dia. well u know, lecturer lelaki mmg laser dia mengalahkan perempuan. so, hari ni punya class, i pon dah tambah berbakul-bakul lah dosa sbb sepanjang class asyik mengumpat dia dlm hati...astaghfirullahalazim...
since i dah sakit hati sgt, i pon tak sabar lah nak habis class.. thank god, class habis awal.
oke. next class.. sabar erk.. sikit lg nak habis cita ni. smpai 1 pm.
class ni lecturer i foreigner. She's from India.Hari ni dia membebel pasal assignment. Typical university students, bnyk plagiarism. hahaha.. Bila dia tny kitorang how many percent of our understanding in her class, ramai yg bg percent yg bawah 50%. nampak sgt ramai tak faham kan??
but, dlm dia membebel tu, i got one thing that caught my attention. She said, "even though u don't understand what people are saying, u must show some respect by listening when they are talking to you"
indeed she's absolutely right!! if we don't respect other people, how can expect that people will respect us back?? the same thing goes with the first lecturer that i mentioned tu lah. even if i really don't like his attitude, but i need to respect him as he's the one yang memberi i ilmu. Ilmu ni, tak kira besar or kecil, it still matter and those who gave us the knowledge deserves to be respected no matter how annoying or irritating his personality might be..
wahhhh... panjang bebelan i kan??
cukup-cukup lah tu kot... hihihi...
till then, take care and have a good life...
#respect, relax, respond
haha. cilok from #3R
hahaa...btol tu btol,even lecturer kita sorg tuh mnyakitkn hati,tp why not we just hadapi beliau dengan yg tabah itu hadapi kesukaran dengan senyuman...huhuu...