Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Cry||soft hearted||cold hearted

Assalamualaikum.. hi all.

Okay I ada satu soalan.
Siapa ingat the last time you cried?
And why?

Some people said that those who cry easily is very soft hearted.

But does that means that org yg susah menangis ni keras hati?

Well not exactly in my opinion.
Some people cry sbb they feel that by doing so they'll feel better.

Tp some people tak suka use tears as a method utk legakan hati sendiri.
I personally jenis yg susah nak menangis. (Well kinda :p )
But that doesn't mean I have a cold and stone heart.

I think that its better for me to save my tears for something/someone more meaningful.

Ingat dan sesal dosa lalu and asking Allah for forgiveness for example.

Different people have different ways of letting go of what's inside.

So conclusion nyer, just because you never see a particular person cry, that doesn't mean they're a cold hearted person.
Judging someone by their external look or by what they chose to show you is never good. Keep that in mind. ^_^


Till then, take care and
Assalamualaikum.  ^_^

P/s: so sorry story line mcm serabut and tah pape je. But I hope you get the point. 


Friday, 26 September 2014


It's been a while since my last post.
What I want to share this time is about "independence"

Well, I am currently furthering my study In Johor Bahru, which is very far from my home town. The first thing that had crossed my mind when I got the offer a year ago was that I'll need to learn how to be more independent because I've never been separated from my family this far.

Throughout the one year that I've been here, I think I did learn a lot on how to be more independent. It's because, here everything is so expensive. Lots of things need lots of money. I am currently working part time at a shopping complex and I'm doing a small business with my cousin. I did all these works 'cause I don't want to burden my parents with monetary issues. They've sacrificed too much for me.

Being a student, an athlete and a part time worker requires me to manage my time efficiently.
And Alhamdulillah, so far I still can.

So all I wanted to say was that sometimes we need to get out of our comfort zone so that we can learn and get to know the reality of this world. Learn to be independent because we are not gonna get the help we wanted all the time.

Till then, take care!


Thursday, 22 May 2014


Assalamualaikum w.b.t..
Hey guys.. how are u??
ok... today I wanna share with u guys the result of an experiment that I've been working on for the past 3 months.. hihihi..

Well, I tried the TUDUNG LABUH. The the one yg ustazah pakai tu.. haaaa.
Ok and the result is.....
Jeng jeng jeng..
Alhamdulillah I like it..
It makes me feel more secure and protected.
I wanted to continue wearing it, but my lifestyle as an athlete tak mengizinkan.
I mean i tak boleh lah ke padang dgn baju kurung semua kan..
But I'm trying my best to cover my aurah..
Even tak bertudung labuh yg mcm tu, still i akan labuhkan tudung I..
Islam pun menyuruh kita as women, untuk labuhkan tudung.
And yes, pakai tudung labuh tu tak wajib, tp wajib labuhkan mengikut syariat..
Do pray for me, so that I'll istiqamah in trying to change for the better...
Till then sayangs, Assalamualaikum...


Monday, 20 January 2014

"I Love You", Till Jannah or Jahannam?? The Choice is Yours

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.... hey uolls!!!!!! pe kabor?????
hope everyone are doing fine..
well me??? hmmm... quite good i think.. errr.. i hope so..
It's been like forever since my last post...
well.. sorry uolls.. iolls busy+malas+penat=no post

cinta, love, amore, al-hub
these are the words we use to describe the feeling that we feel towards someone or something that we like in an unusual way.
when we are experiencing "love" we will care, feel attached more than we usually did..

cinta itu fitrah..
Allah never forbid us from wanting someone and to be loved..
But, in order for us to execute our heart desire, He had provided the best way and manual book for us to refer and follow.


This is practically the one and only legitimate way..
I bet mesti ada yg ckp
 "kenapa tak boleh couple pulak? We never did anything wrong.. Bukannya kitorang berdua-duaan.. Jumpa dkt rumah. Ade orang temankan. Kitorang sentiasa remind each other utk solat, tlg kejutkan subuh, kan baik mcm tu?? Kitorang ni couple Islamic lah.. Tak de nye nak mendekati zina.."

hmmm.. "couple"..
even the word itself had said it all clearly.
My dearest muslim brothers and sisters, there are NO such thing as couple islamic.

Allah berfirman:
                                                 ولا نقترب الزنا
"dan jangan kamu menghampiri zina"

ever wonder why Allah tak sebut je jangan berzina??
Well, Allah is indeed the all knowing.
For he the one who created us, he knew that our faith is weak, and we always have the tendency to disobey Him.
Zina bukan physically sahaja..
Bila kita bercakap telefon malam-malam, meluahkan rindu dendam, gunakan panggilan yang manja, itu dah dikira zina.
Zina yang mcm mana? Zina pendengaran.
Bila kita asyik dok teringat je dkt girlfriend, boyfriend kita tu, pon boleh jadi zina. Zina hati.
Bila jumpa, tgk si girlfriend pakai cantik, comel, cun je.. dlm hati ni dok rasa geram.. mcm nak cubit-2 je kalau boleh ye.. pon kita dikira berzina. Zina mata/pandangan.

Subhanallah.... Sebab tu lah tak boleh couple..
Syaitan tu, cerdik sgt.. Dia dok cucuk sakan..
If we say that, no such thing will ever happen, close our eyes and ask a question to our heart..

"Are we really capable of rejecting and repelling the seduction of syaitonirrajim??"

That's why prevention is better than cure..
Before we even involve in the game of syaitan that always try to astray our faith, why don't we just avoid it..
haaaa... kan ke senang mcm tu...

But ade yg cakap, couple sbb nak kenal, baru boleh kahwin..
There's an arabic saying that goes:

كل من الخطيبين كذابون
"setiap yang bertunang itu sedang berdusta"

so, if we say that we "couple" because of we wanted to get to know each other, trust me it's just a waste of time.. we'll never actually know people's true colour until we stay together with them.

kalau masa bercinta ni pon, kita boleh nmpak keburukan dia, let say like kuat jealous ke, suka marah ke, imagine bila dah kahwin. 
of course it'll be worse..
do you really think u can bear all that when, even before u get married your boyfriend/girlfriend's attitude already giving u headache?? 
Do u dears???

That's why islam is such a beautiful religion..
Ketetapan Allah itu sangat baik, sangat sempurna..
So why do we even bother to deny it??
Who did we think we are to deny Allah's provision??????
siapa kita nak menafikan hak Allah sebagai pencipta, sebagai tuhan sekalian makhluk????

"tapi saya sgt sygkan dia, sy cintakan dia, dan saya nak nikahi dia"

Well my dear muslim brothers and sisters, couple is not the way...
For The Guys

For The Girls

I hope this post, will help you guys see clearly why couple is haram..
I also once involved.. But alhamdulillah... Allah had gave me the light and hidayah to embrace the truth..
I tahu... sebenarnya, hati kita ni dah ckp bnyk kali dah ape yg kita buat ni salah, berdosa.. sesungguhnya, kata-kata hati nurani tu tak pernah menipu..
Tapi bisikan nafsu tu lg kuat.. 
We kept on living in denial..
Sampai bila nak mcm tu?? 
hmmm... Sesungguhnya ajal, maut di tangan Allah.. 
Tak takut ke kalau tak sempat bertaubat?? 

p/s: please watch the video yg i share bawah ni.. hopefully you'll understand more about what i've been babbling berjela-jela tu.. enjoy... :D and Assalamualaikum...

Monday, 25 November 2013

Optimism, Positivity, Husnuzon, they makes you Intelligent

Assalamualaikum w.b.t......
Hey!! Hey!! Hey!! (While shaking my head like a retarded seal)
Whuzzup yall!!! Hohoho...
Alrite, today i wanna share with you guys a little something about "OPTIMISM"
YAY!!!!!! Weeeeeeee!!
Here's the thing, we're human and we always tend to speculate without even knowing the whole story.. Am I right??? Err...of course I am because I am super duper cool and awesome!!

Oke lah fine.. Apa yg i nak sampaikan, that's our nature. Memang lumrah dah.. So, since kita ni suka sgt guna method assumption ni, why don't we, as a person assume benda yang baik-baik je.. Don't 'negatify' your mind.. (that's not even a real word but I just hope that you get the point)
Hmmm... let say lah kan, kita nampak ada sorang mamat ni pakai selekeh je. Dengan jambang dia, dgn pakaian dia yg agak pelik. Mesti ramai yg akan ckp (even it is not out loud)
"Mamat ni, muka mcm pecah rumah ja. Tah-2 kaki rempit tak.. mesti set-set tak berjenih ni"
Astaghfirullahal’azim.....Why??? Why??? Why???!!! Why so negative??

Addoyyy.. kalau tny ape maksud "don't judge a book by its cover" semua orang tahu. But the implementation and application of that phrase jarang kita nampak.. kan?? Ish..ish..ish...
Daripada kita bersusah payah fikirkan possibilities yg bukan-2, cerr kita fikir positif sikit. Mana nak tahu, entah-2 dia saje pakai cm tu. Tak pon baru keluar daripada bertapa dalam hutan ke ape.. mana kita tao kan.. hehe.. husnuzon..husnuzon....

Err.. jgn lah sampai tahap kita nampak ade org tgh belek-2 lock pagar rumah jiran time tgh-2 malam pon kita assume "mungkin dia tgh admire keunikan kunci mangga tu"
Wah!!! Itu melampau!! Wa hempuk muka lu kasi pecah satu kali baru lu kenai wa sapa! (Eh.. terkeluar gangster lak.. maap.. hoho)
Hikhikhok... berpada-pada lah yer..

Same goes lah bila dengan Allah.. kalau kita diuji, jangan lah persoalkan kenapa kita diuji, ape dosa kita sampai diuji mcm ni..
Well hello!!  News flash.. dah nama pon hamba yg kerdil lg hina, selayaknya lah kita diuji.. Allah uji sebab syg.. right?? Husnuzon..husnuzon..
Hmm...chill lah, Nabi Muhammad s.a.w diuji lagi hebat. Baginda tak mengeluh pun. Malah semakin kuat. Kita kenalah contohi the best role model ever. Baru cool... hoho..

So whenever kita rasa Allah tak adil menguji kita sebegitu rupa, just give a big slap on your face and say, "how dare u!!" Indeed.. How dare we question Allah's action. husnuzon lah weh husnuzon.. huhuhu.. Allah dah janji takkan menguji hambanya melebihi kemampuan. Chill lah.. cuba kita usaha nak selesai kan masalah yg ada and berserah kpd Allah.. Lagi pun janji Allah tu pasti. Bkn mcm manusia yg kadang-2 bersifat seperti "pari-pari" (hikhok.. only certain people je tahu maksudnya..)

Wah!!! Panjang karangan!! Lenguh jugak menaip ni... errr... sudah-sudah lah kot.. iols yakin uols dah 40kali menguap nak habiskan baca entry ni..

P/s: ape yg i pesan ni bkn i tuju dkt sape-2.. actually benda ni reminder utk diri i sendiri jugak. So if i ade offend anyone, I'm really really sorry ok. Tak terniat pon cm tu.. huhu..

Till then, take care of yourselves,  and keep being optimis, husnuzon and everything yg positive dan bersifat mahmudah.. Insyaallah amin. Therefore,  hypothesis is accpeted, the less negativity in your mind, the smarter you are. (Sebab otak tak serabut)


Monday, 18 November 2013


Assalamualaikum w.b.t. salam sejahtera, salam satu malaysia, bersalam-salaman, bermaaf-maafan di hari rayaa...yang mulia.. lalalalala... oke-2 merepek!!! sorry..

actually, i nak story pasal last weekend. i attended this camp called "kem power" woahhh!!! sounds awesome kan??? haha.. mmg awesome pon.
as usual lah, kem mmg lah sgt memenatkan.. dah nama pon kem. penat lah. sumpah penat giler.. penat seyh.. *gedebush!! (sound effect tampar diri sendiri) (oh redundant nye i.. haha)
oke point i kat sini, kem tu sgt memenatkan, meletihkan dan memeritkan fizikal dan mental.. nah kau.. Scary je dgr kan??? hohoho

Tp i rasa even its very tiring, i dpt satu lesson yg sgt berharga di mana not everybody is lucky enough to get. I belajar utk lawan diri sendiri. bkn bermaksud i lawan dgn diri i, tu gila namanya.. I learn to fight i punya keletihan dan kesakitan.

Yes, its very torturing tapi with the help from my friends, coach and others, i managed to survive... 

Oh, no, not I, I will surviveOh, as long as I know how to love, I know I'll stay aliveI've got all my life to live, I've got all my love to giveAnd I'll survive, I will survive, I will survive!
hey!! hey!!

oke selingan kejap. nyanyilah lagu kat atas...
errr.... back to the topic!!

hmm.. ape td?? ouh.. fight pain. oke-2...
ape yg i nak emphasize dkt sini, konsep lawan kesakitan ni samalah jugak macam konsep melawan nafsu. cuba kita fikir balik, kalau kita boleh lawan kesakitan fizikal yang memeritkan, kenapa tak boleh lawan nafsu yg bergelora tu? sama aje. kalau rasa tak mampu buat sendirian, SEEK FOR HELP!! u are not alone oke!! (background lagu you are not alone berkumandang?

Memang melawan nafsu tu susah, payah, sbb tu lah jihad terbesar adalah jihad melawan nafsu. Nafsu ni, sifatnya tak pernah puas.. lagi dilayan, lagi dia nak.. i kasi contoh lah erk so that u all senang paham.

Oke, kita sepatutnya makan ketika lapar kan? Bila makan masa tu mesti rasa nikmat giler... Nasi lauk ikan masin pon jadi sedap!! Maggie cintan pon nampak sgt menyelerakan.. kan????
Apa jadi kalau kita makan ikut nafsu? mesti rasa tak puas, mesti rasa nak lagi.. betol tak??

Sebab tu lah nafsu ni tak boleh dilayan sangat. Kita kena didik nafsu kita supaya inginkan benda-benda baik. Contohnya macam nafsu belajar, baca Al-Quran. Didik diri kita ni supaya sentiasa inginkan benda-benda mcm tu.. Insyaallah selamat dunia akhirat. huhuhu

Rasanya sampai sini ja lah kot. Till then, keep fighting!!!! Bersamalah kita menuju bukan setakat kejayaan tetapi sehingga syurga!! Insyaallah amin....
Take care yall !!
mak jemah nak g class... hehehe..

Assalamualaikum...... *^_^*

p/s: thanks to all those yg support i masa kem power. I know sometimes i ni agak lah mengada. But i'm trying my best.. I know that I can never do it without you guys.. syg lah u all!!!

#kakShu #kakUmmmu #Halim #Sue #Zara #Atiq #Archers #UTM

Wednesday, 13 November 2013


Assalamualaikum w.b.t!!!!
hey yall!!! Whuzzup??? Sihat?? Oke??? Alhamdulillah.....
Today i nak share dgn u guys pasal FOCUS!! Jyeahhh!! Ohsemm!!!
Eh..eh.. melalut..

Well actually, I'm the type of person who's having a real hard time to focus on something. Especially in class!
I can only pay attention for like 15minutes. Then, I'll start playing with my gadgets,  messing with my friends and sometime went inside my little fantasy world. In other word, i suka berangan...huhuhu..

Tp i nak insist dkt sini lah, actually what I've been doing tu is really really bad.. like literally.. for example, if you're driving and after a few minutes,  u start to lose your focus!! OMJ!! That will cause a serious and severe accident! Sbb tu accident rate increase...  sbb rate of unfocused driver pon increase... 

Tp apa yg plg teruk, bila hilang focus in solat.. Masyaallah.. sometimes, kita selalu rasa macam doa susah nak dimakbulkan right?? Oke, lets put it this way.. kalau kita can't even focus (kusyuk) in our solat, how do we expect that Allah will grant our doa?? Sedangkan wktu sujud is the moment where we are the closest to Allah.. time tu lah nak doa.. tp kalau dah solat main tonggang terbalik tp tak kusyuk, do u think that Allah will accept our prayer?? Worse come to worst,  ada yg hilang focus sampai ke tahap terlupa dah rakaat berapa.. Honestly,  i penah jd mcm ni..

So, as a conclusion,  kita kenalah always try to improve ourselves. Nobody's perfect,  but we need to keep trying oke!! As for me, i need to be more focus. Not just in class, but in everything else. Well, ironically,  I'm an archer and archery need a high focusing skill.. kalau i tak boleh focus, cm ne nak menang kan??? Hehe.. so i think that it's a good thing lah i joined archery..  It trained me to be more focus.

I think I've babbled enough kot.. cukup-2 lah.. biasa lah, kalau dah mula bercerita mmg lupa diri..hihi..
Till next post, take good care of yourself and always try to be BETTER!!! chaiyyookkk!!!

p/s: i posted this while i'm in class..               see?? Nmpk sgt tak focus kan?? Well.. i'm bored.. (alasan nak sedap hati)